Sunday, February 07, 2010


Ugh, I am sore this morning. Nothing specific, just overall creakiness and some twinginess/stiffness in my lower back. Everything just feels overworked. It’s Sunday, however, so I got plenty of sleep and ate really well the last few days, so I’ll take on PCC one more time shortly before resting. I also woke up starving – it was the first thing that crossed my mind when I came to. Usually I’m not hungry in the morning for awhile.

Today is Indian food day once again, and then not again for quite awhile. I wanted to make the same dishes for my parents, so we’ll be having cheese curry, flatbreads, and the little fried donuts in syrup again. Hardly an Insanity diet, so I’ll be ascetic this morning and afternoon and all day tomorrow. At least tomorrow is a rest day.

The workout went pretty well. All the cardio was fine, but it was all the drills from plank that killed me. I couldn’t go as fast and I had to rest midway through the second circuit. I feel pleasantly tired now, and excited that tomorrow I can rest. And eat. Oh, speaking of which – my 9-year-old son did the Fit Test yesterday. We try to get him to exercise 4-5 days a week, and I give him options. He’d seen me do this and I think he was intrigued by the title and the big, muscly guy screaming. It was so cute. He really threw himself into it. His form was not great, of course, but he pushed through and was completely exhausted. He did better than I expected. And like me, he was hungry before he started but after he was done he had no appetite at all for awhile.

I forgot that Plyometric Cardio Circuit doesn’t contain any of the drills that I really hate. Woo hoo! It does contain many that I like, though. Wow, like?! I actually like some of these? My favorites are suicide drills (but not suicide jumps), football drills, 1-2-3 Heisman, the one-armed jacks, the plank on the forearms where you bring the knees to each side, mummy kicks, and all the punching. I had forgotten he throws these in at the end on this one and even though I’m ready to drop, somehow these are doable. Probably because there’s no jumping. Well, I’ll write tomorrow, although typing might be too much energy expenditure.

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