Sunday, March 28, 2010


I tacked on an extra 30 minutes of yoga today, too. Overall, I feel great and feel I've had sort of a mini-break before taking on the final week. I had forgotten entirely what this workout was like. It's short at only 37 minutes, but you get pretty darn sweaty and out of breath before the final balance section at the end (and you keep sweating through that, too). The hip flexor burners really got me.

I am definitely feeling some fatigue this week and I'm not sure why or what to do about it. I'm eating plenty and sleeping a little extra. Late yesterday afternoon I took a nap and slept for almost two hours. I think it's just the cumulative effects of 55 days of Insanity.

The other thing I've noticed is that I'm not apparently losing weight this month -- my measurements are not changing. My performance is improving overall, but all the changes in appearance seemed to come in the first 30 days. I don't think I'm typical in that respect, but my body has always responded better to things like yoga than super-high-intensity exercise, and I'm actually expecting the majority of my leaning-out to come AFTER I'm done with Insanity and back to yoga or a blend (and a lesser appetite). I am nowhere near as lean now as I was two years ago practicing only yoga.

I think in the future if I need a rotation to whip my butt into shape quickly, I'll do one month of mainly month 1 workouts (but replacing Cardio Recovery with Max Recovery) with an occasional month 2 swap or yoga for variety. I suppose it's possible I'll all-of-the-sudden notice big changes in this next week, but I kind of doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. ONE MORE WEEK! You are sooo close now :-)
