Saturday, March 06, 2010


Woo hoo! I surprised myself today and I decided to go ahead with the third fit test. I wore the wrap on my left knee just to be safe, though it's feeling better. I didn't expect much, and if my numbers sucked, I wasn't even going to post them. However, even sore and tired with a bum knee, I kicked February Sara's ass. You'll notice my numbers aren't drastically higher on the plyos as I was definitely favoring the knee but trying to at least beat my Day 16 numbers. I'm amazed I was able to.

ExerciseDay 1Day 16Day 33Change (total)
Switch Kicks1161211225.2%
Power Jacks48535616.7%
Power Knees9110511020.9%
Power Jumps27333425.9%
Globe Jumps7101157.14%
Suicide Jumps1718185.9%
Pushup Jacks20242840%
Plank oblique757489!!18.7%

That is an average of 23.8% improvement over Day 1! I then went right into Core Cardio and Balance and used my rebounder (mini-trampoline) on a couple of the exercises. I did drink a recovery drink. Now my plan is to take TWO days off, do my Strong Knees routine and lots of stretching, and hope for the best on Tuesday. I was pretty aware today this fit test could be my last. I hope that isn't the case, so I'm going to take the extra rest. My month 1 review and tips are forthcoming.


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    You are awesome!! How in the world did you do so many switch kicks...even on the first test?! I am VERY impressed :)

  2. Dang Sara, you kick butt! Your numbers are quite impressive and I hope you can push through it and do month 2 with us.
