Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I was on fire today and can't believe how much of this workout I did and with very few extra rests. And it was fun. It's like I was different person today than at the start of last week. I didn't expect that, because for the third night in a row, I couldn't sleep and spent most of the night tossing and turning. This morning I felt like my eyelids were glued to my eyeballs, and I felt like a pig to the slaughter trying to take on MIC.

It was one of those days I didn't feel ready, but I just had to hit "play" without thinking about it. As long as you can hit "play," it's like having a personal trainer show up at your house every morning and force you to roll. Also, my parrot often goes nuts during Insanity (although I think she's scolding me because she doesn't like the noise), so I feel like I'm being yelled at from all directions.

The rate of improvement is really fast in month 2. I finally ate decently yesterday and also had my favorite power breakfast, pumpkin oatmeal (recipe coming soon), and I bet that helped. Still, sometimes when I'm really tired I run on crazy false energy, so I have to find a way to get some rest. Otherwise, they'll soon find me wandering and babbling incoherently in the desert.

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