Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 49: REST DAY

I am pretty creaky this morning. My shoulder sockets feel a little funny, too. Not injured, exactly, but not happy. Perhaps it was the JUMPING ONTO MY HANDS that I did yesterday! That really is insane.

The kids are on spring break, so I'm glad I don't have to plan a workout today. The rest of the week is going to be a challenge, timewise. I see that I have a fit test scheduled tomorrow, but I think I'm going to skip this one and just do the final. It'll be my first modification of month 2.

The other thing I noticed yesterday is that I did the Harris-Benedict equation wrong from the very beginning. I mistook a minus for a plus, which is why my end result was so high! Doing the equation correctly, I get about 1,700 calories for loss, which has been my target all along. My appetite is still raging, though. I'm doing better and back to five meals but I think I'm taking in closer to 2,000. I also think I honestly looked better at Day 30. I made the mistake of weighing myself and I've gained 2.5 pounds, which puts me just barely under where I started. I know the comparison is apples-and-oranges, but it still sucks. I'm trying to remind myself that regardless, I can still run circles around 30-Day Sara.


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Remember it is not what the scale says that's what your clothes and measurements say. Bodybuilders always weigh heavier, but look smaller because of the muscle mass they have on. Muscle takes up less room than fat does, so if you weigh the same on the scale, but you are smaller, then it's muscle, which is what you want :)

  2. Unfortunately, my measurements haven't gone down either, though. It guess it's possible that I'm just at the bottom of my natural range...?

  3. I skipped the Fit Test this time too. I'm starting to get fatigued and not sure if it's a nutrition problem or just because it's my time of the month. I love that we're on the same day in the program. I feel like I have a buddy! :-)

  4. Jenn! I wish I knew how to contact you. So do you feel like you're not eating enough? (In other words, the opposite from me?) What else could be contributing to your fatigue? One thing I don't feel is fatigued, and maybe it's because I'm eating so damn much.

  5. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Sara, you could be at your perfect "happy" weight/range. Maybe this is where your body works the best and is happiest. Your picture looks like it would be.

  6. Sara, I did cut back a little the few days before I started to feel sluggish. So that may have been it. I ate a little more today and am feeling a bit more energized. I usually have the same problem as you had this past week, that's a pattern for me. So I was really proud of myself for not's a delicate balance. I'd love to get in contact with you. not sure how to PM you though.
