I actually had a good workout today and am warming to Max Cardio Conditioning. Cardio Abs was fun as always and I actually got all the way through the double leg lifts for the first time. I had a hard time getting going, though. As I've mentioned ad nauseum for the past week or so, my motivation is really dwindling. I'm having a hard time focusing on the workouts (I think Jenn nailed it -- the "novelty" is gone, and without that bad-ass awe about them, they just are daunting). But that wouldn't stop me; I've never had a problem getting myself to work out. The real problem is... My body is really in need of a break. That's the main thing. If I were going by my own signals right now, I'd take a good three days off in a row and nap every afternoon. But I have to push through just a few more days. My knees are cranky and while my upper-body strength feels like it's still improving, my legs just feel tired.
All of the above makes me wonder if it's just a normal physical response to 60 days of this sort of intensity without more than one day off at a time or if I've been doing something wrong.
I'm nervous about Max Interval Circuit tomorrow. Out of all the Insanity workouts, that's the one that just strikes fear in my heart. I just have it once more... I can do it. I'm also scheduled to finish up (minus the fit test) on Sunday, which is Easter. My mom has a big brunch planned that day and I don't know how all that's going to pan out. I would love for that day to be my first day of "freedom" so I can enjoy the big meal, but I don't want to tackle my final workout and then the fit test and measurements right after that. Suggestions, anyone?
I just received Hungry Girl's brand new cookbook in the mail, and I am so excited. You all know how much I love Hungry Girl, and this time she's put out a cookbook with more fresh food and less processed stuff -- it even has a crockpot section and a whole chapter on things to do with broccoli-slaw, which I love. I'm off to dig in.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 57: MAX INTERVAL PLYO (and Sara's Awesome Mushroom Cheeseburgers)
I was glad to see the week starting with this one. It remains my favorite and the most doable. For some reason, unlike many people seem to be, I am not rested up and ready to go on day 1 of each week. I'm more of a momentum person and once I'm in a track, it's hard to change directions (as I'm sure it was obvious with my string of bad eating earlier this month). When I've spent the day before resting, my mind is still in resting mode and that first workout feels like ripping off a Band-Aid. I slept about six hours the last two nights, to boot. But I did well today anyway, even nailing what I think were a few more power jumps than I usually do.
Despite doing really well with the workout today and no longer feeling as wiped out after I'm finished with these than I used to, my overall fatigue level is high and my motivation is low. This is my last week and I have to find some way not only to get through what is the hardest week on this month's schedule, but to put my all into it and maximize what I get out of the program. I have found something odd happening the last couple of weeks... my mind is actually WANDERING during Insanity, especially during the warmup and stretch. Typically it requires every ounce of my attention and concentration, so I have to get back to treating it like yoga... either really be there or don't bother.
I had some incredible veggie burgers with the works last night. I spent months awhile back trying to come up with the perfect veggie burger recipe, because I was tired of weird frozen processed patties made of things like rice and oats. Why stick a starch patty between two pieces of starch? I wanted something juicy and substantial and full of fresh ingredients that's worthy of being called a burger, and I found mushrooms produce by far the best results. So I present you with...
1 1/2 cups finely chopped cremini mushrooms
3 eggs, beaten
1/4+ cup seasoned bread crumbs
1+ cup shredded lowfat sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 cup oat bran
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tsp onion powder
1 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Serve with: Additional lowfat cheese slice, lettuce/spinach, tomato, onion, ketchup, mayo (or whatever you love) on toasted wheat buns.
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and mix. Taste and add more salt if needed. You will probably need to add a little more bread crumbs if this is too wet to pick it up -- this should be very wet (don't worry; it'll cook) but you should still be able to form it into a patty on a piece of waxed paper. Shape into 4-5 patties and fry in a greased skillet over medium heat for a few minutes (about 4) until lightly browned and then flip for 1-2 minutes on the other side. It helps to cover the skillet (you'll notice them puff a little).
Despite doing really well with the workout today and no longer feeling as wiped out after I'm finished with these than I used to, my overall fatigue level is high and my motivation is low. This is my last week and I have to find some way not only to get through what is the hardest week on this month's schedule, but to put my all into it and maximize what I get out of the program. I have found something odd happening the last couple of weeks... my mind is actually WANDERING during Insanity, especially during the warmup and stretch. Typically it requires every ounce of my attention and concentration, so I have to get back to treating it like yoga... either really be there or don't bother.
I had some incredible veggie burgers with the works last night. I spent months awhile back trying to come up with the perfect veggie burger recipe, because I was tired of weird frozen processed patties made of things like rice and oats. Why stick a starch patty between two pieces of starch? I wanted something juicy and substantial and full of fresh ingredients that's worthy of being called a burger, and I found mushrooms produce by far the best results. So I present you with...
1 1/2 cups finely chopped cremini mushrooms
3 eggs, beaten
1/4+ cup seasoned bread crumbs
1+ cup shredded lowfat sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 cup oat bran
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tsp onion powder
1 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Serve with: Additional lowfat cheese slice, lettuce/spinach, tomato, onion, ketchup, mayo (or whatever you love) on toasted wheat buns.
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl and mix. Taste and add more salt if needed. You will probably need to add a little more bread crumbs if this is too wet to pick it up -- this should be very wet (don't worry; it'll cook) but you should still be able to form it into a patty on a piece of waxed paper. Shape into 4-5 patties and fry in a greased skillet over medium heat for a few minutes (about 4) until lightly browned and then flip for 1-2 minutes on the other side. It helps to cover the skillet (you'll notice them puff a little).
Workout log
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I tacked on an extra 30 minutes of yoga today, too. Overall, I feel great and feel I've had sort of a mini-break before taking on the final week. I had forgotten entirely what this workout was like. It's short at only 37 minutes, but you get pretty darn sweaty and out of breath before the final balance section at the end (and you keep sweating through that, too). The hip flexor burners really got me.
I am definitely feeling some fatigue this week and I'm not sure why or what to do about it. I'm eating plenty and sleeping a little extra. Late yesterday afternoon I took a nap and slept for almost two hours. I think it's just the cumulative effects of 55 days of Insanity.
The other thing I've noticed is that I'm not apparently losing weight this month -- my measurements are not changing. My performance is improving overall, but all the changes in appearance seemed to come in the first 30 days. I don't think I'm typical in that respect, but my body has always responded better to things like yoga than super-high-intensity exercise, and I'm actually expecting the majority of my leaning-out to come AFTER I'm done with Insanity and back to yoga or a blend (and a lesser appetite). I am nowhere near as lean now as I was two years ago practicing only yoga.
I think in the future if I need a rotation to whip my butt into shape quickly, I'll do one month of mainly month 1 workouts (but replacing Cardio Recovery with Max Recovery) with an occasional month 2 swap or yoga for variety. I suppose it's possible I'll all-of-the-sudden notice big changes in this next week, but I kind of doubt it.
I am definitely feeling some fatigue this week and I'm not sure why or what to do about it. I'm eating plenty and sleeping a little extra. Late yesterday afternoon I took a nap and slept for almost two hours. I think it's just the cumulative effects of 55 days of Insanity.
The other thing I've noticed is that I'm not apparently losing weight this month -- my measurements are not changing. My performance is improving overall, but all the changes in appearance seemed to come in the first 30 days. I don't think I'm typical in that respect, but my body has always responded better to things like yoga than super-high-intensity exercise, and I'm actually expecting the majority of my leaning-out to come AFTER I'm done with Insanity and back to yoga or a blend (and a lesser appetite). I am nowhere near as lean now as I was two years ago practicing only yoga.
I think in the future if I need a rotation to whip my butt into shape quickly, I'll do one month of mainly month 1 workouts (but replacing Cardio Recovery with Max Recovery) with an occasional month 2 swap or yoga for variety. I suppose it's possible I'll all-of-the-sudden notice big changes in this next week, but I kind of doubt it.
Workout log,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Day 54: MAX INTERVAL CIRCUIT (Actual: Plyo Cardio Circuit)
Today was my first substitution of month 2. Last night was the dinner out, and I had to wake up early this morning to teach an extra yoga class. This pushed me half-rested toward lunchtime for a workout, and I also have my son and his 5-year-old friend this afternoon -- I actually had to work out in front of their fort while they played behind me. I also woke up with a lower backache and my knees are still a little touchy. All of this combined with my awful MIC experience earlier this week meant I knew I could either skip today entirely or do Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I decided on the latter. Better to give 100% to the 42 minutes of Insanity than to give 60% to the 59-minute version. Or 0% to nothing.
Plyo Cardio Circuit was my favorite workout of month 1, and I was excited to return to it for comparison. And Plyo Cardio Circuit as a swap is nothing to sniff at, in fact, the idea of it being easier is pretty laughable. Those of you who are in month 1 and feeling like you're at the "beginner" level: this workout is really hard. Yes, it's 18 minutes shorter than Max Interval Circuit, but it's still 42 minutes of Insanity. I did enjoy it but I found it nearly as challenging as I did in month 1. I enjoyed the different warmup and the longer stretch, but the circuits themselves are in some ways harder than those in month 2 because:
1. There is NO rest outside of the scheduled 30-second water breaks. In all of the month 2 workouts, he takes extra time explaining the next move, but none of the month 1 workouts are like that.
2. The exercises in month 2 are harder in a technical sense, that is, they require more focus to do correctly -- however, the more straightforward month 1 exercises allow you to work a lot harder and faster. I think I sweated way more with Plyo Cardio Circuit today than I have been with the month 2 workouts. I had to rest in all the same spots and the bad news is that the level 3 drills in month 2 don't make the level 1 drills in this one seem any easier.
So, overall this was a good workout for trying to field 5-year-old questions and focus at the same time. I'm also glad I didn't scrap it entirely. I ate too much Thai food last night and then had a decent-sized slice of cheesecake, so I needed to pour it on today. But I felt like this was just the right amount of mini-break and when combined with Core Cardio and Balance (yay!) tomorrow and a rest day, I should be prepared for that last hellacious week of Insanity.
Plyo Cardio Circuit was my favorite workout of month 1, and I was excited to return to it for comparison. And Plyo Cardio Circuit as a swap is nothing to sniff at, in fact, the idea of it being easier is pretty laughable. Those of you who are in month 1 and feeling like you're at the "beginner" level: this workout is really hard. Yes, it's 18 minutes shorter than Max Interval Circuit, but it's still 42 minutes of Insanity. I did enjoy it but I found it nearly as challenging as I did in month 1. I enjoyed the different warmup and the longer stretch, but the circuits themselves are in some ways harder than those in month 2 because:
1. There is NO rest outside of the scheduled 30-second water breaks. In all of the month 2 workouts, he takes extra time explaining the next move, but none of the month 1 workouts are like that.
2. The exercises in month 2 are harder in a technical sense, that is, they require more focus to do correctly -- however, the more straightforward month 1 exercises allow you to work a lot harder and faster. I think I sweated way more with Plyo Cardio Circuit today than I have been with the month 2 workouts. I had to rest in all the same spots and the bad news is that the level 3 drills in month 2 don't make the level 1 drills in this one seem any easier.
So, overall this was a good workout for trying to field 5-year-old questions and focus at the same time. I'm also glad I didn't scrap it entirely. I ate too much Thai food last night and then had a decent-sized slice of cheesecake, so I needed to pour it on today. But I felt like this was just the right amount of mini-break and when combined with Core Cardio and Balance (yay!) tomorrow and a rest day, I should be prepared for that last hellacious week of Insanity.
Workout log
Friday, March 26, 2010
Finally, this routine actually felt like a recovery workout. It was still a good challenge but I was able to do all the exercises (yes, even all the pushups) until the plie squat section came. I thought, "I'll nail this one next week," but then I realized today was my last time with Max Recovery.
When I woke up and walked up the stairs this morning, my knees started protesting. Good thing it was recovery day; I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
When I woke up and walked up the stairs this morning, my knees started protesting. Good thing it was recovery day; I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Workout log
Thursday, March 25, 2010
This week is nuts. My kids are on spring break so they're home, I'm in the middle of a short-deadline contract, and I'm teaching extra yoga classes. Plus, it's sunny. I decided to turn in one of my "Get Out Of Cardio Abs Free" cards today (I "earned" three of them in month 1 by tacking it on where it wasn't scheduled, and haven't used one yet). Nice to have a shorter one today and know the (also shorter) recovery routine is tomorrow.
I did about as well as I usually do with this one; about like I did with Pure Cardio. These awful endurance twins are my weak spot in the program and while I've made a lot of progress, I still am not up to speed with the crew. I put my all into it today, though -- I'm going out to dinner with the H tonight. Wish me a little restraint. I feel like I'm getting over the mid-month-2 ennui and getting a little of my oomph back. I think a lot of that is getting extra sleep all week. I also realized today that I have only one hard routine left this week, and then next week IS MY LAST.
I did about as well as I usually do with this one; about like I did with Pure Cardio. These awful endurance twins are my weak spot in the program and while I've made a lot of progress, I still am not up to speed with the crew. I put my all into it today, though -- I'm going out to dinner with the H tonight. Wish me a little restraint. I feel like I'm getting over the mid-month-2 ennui and getting a little of my oomph back. I think a lot of that is getting extra sleep all week. I also realized today that I have only one hard routine left this week, and then next week IS MY LAST.
Workout log
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 51: MAX INTERVAL PLYO (and Almond Porridge recipe)
I was seriously down in the dark dingey dumps after yesterday. (JENN -- not sure if you've been seeing my comments-to-your-comments so I wanted to post to you here, too. Thank you for your encouragement and it's so cool to have somebody right at the same spot as me dealing with the same issues. I asked a couple of questions on "REST DAY" below. I hope you are having a better day as well. We're almost there!)
I'm fighting a little Insanity burnout, not because my body is giving out as much as that I'm tired of life revolving around Insanity. Sure, it's less than an hour, but it also dictates when I eat, how I eat, when I sleep, etc. I can't have a glass of wine or two after dinner or stay up late without having that sinking feeling I won't be able to handle the next morning's workout. Also, I realized that having the choice at the end of last week between Max Interval Sports Training and Core Cardio and Balance kind of ruined me. I could assess how I felt and work out accordingly. I miss that, a lot. But I have a week and a half left and that's nothing compared to the FIFTY-ONE days I've had so far. Insanity... putting the "hell" back in "health."
So I slept well and had a fantastic breakfast that I think really gave me a big boost this morning (recipe below). Can you tell I'm a breakfast person? Big lesson... working out 45 minutes after a breakfast like that was great, but working out an hour after lunch was a big no.
I did great with Max Interval Plyo. It helps that I love this DVD. The whole routine just resonates with me; the flow and the sequencing are great. I still have to modify the pogo jumps and the power jumps are slow and plodding, but everything else is really coming along. One more check mark on the calendar.
1/4 cup whole-grain yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup light vanilla soymilk
A few dashes of nutmeg
Tiny pinch of salt
1 TBSP almond butter
Stevia or sugar to taste
Combine everything in a small saucepan and simmer until thick and creamy, adding a little water if needed. Calories (minus the sweetener): 260, and about 14 g protein and 5 g fiber.
I'm fighting a little Insanity burnout, not because my body is giving out as much as that I'm tired of life revolving around Insanity. Sure, it's less than an hour, but it also dictates when I eat, how I eat, when I sleep, etc. I can't have a glass of wine or two after dinner or stay up late without having that sinking feeling I won't be able to handle the next morning's workout. Also, I realized that having the choice at the end of last week between Max Interval Sports Training and Core Cardio and Balance kind of ruined me. I could assess how I felt and work out accordingly. I miss that, a lot. But I have a week and a half left and that's nothing compared to the FIFTY-ONE days I've had so far. Insanity... putting the "hell" back in "health."
So I slept well and had a fantastic breakfast that I think really gave me a big boost this morning (recipe below). Can you tell I'm a breakfast person? Big lesson... working out 45 minutes after a breakfast like that was great, but working out an hour after lunch was a big no.
I did great with Max Interval Plyo. It helps that I love this DVD. The whole routine just resonates with me; the flow and the sequencing are great. I still have to modify the pogo jumps and the power jumps are slow and plodding, but everything else is really coming along. One more check mark on the calendar.
1/4 cup whole-grain yellow cornmeal
1/2 cup light vanilla soymilk
A few dashes of nutmeg
Tiny pinch of salt
1 TBSP almond butter
Stevia or sugar to taste
Combine everything in a small saucepan and simmer until thick and creamy, adding a little water if needed. Calories (minus the sweetener): 260, and about 14 g protein and 5 g fiber.
Workout log
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This is the day that my finger finally hovered over the "stop" button. But let me back up... I got so into my work this morning that lunchtime finally rolled around and I hadn't worked out yet. I had lunch -- 1 cup of homemade baked beans from Veganomicon over sauteed garlic spinach, and a mini homemade corn muffin. Not a big lunch. I then gave myself another hour before starting. I figured I was set and that the molasses would even give me an extra energy boost. Through most of the first circuit I was flying, better and faster than ever before. Then, instead of gathering steam as usual, as Dr. Seuss would say, my "borfin went schlump." I pictured myself as a cartoon character, with the little squigglies coming out of my ears and "fffffftttt" written above me.
I have never felt worse during an Insanity workout. I could still sense lunch (it was clearly too soon afterward), and I kept having waves where I felt I might pass out. Things would start to white out and I would see little sparklies in the air. I didn't do much of the second circuit and there were a couple of exercises I skipped entirely. I kept going, though, even though my max was just barely moving. I went to shut it off and then noticed only 12 minutes left on the clock. I decided to just go for it even though there was nothing to dig for. I managed to pull off most of the last circuit, and then I had to lie on the floor for awhile. I guess I'm proud of myself for finishing it, but at the same time, I'm starting to count down the days until I'm done. I'm getting effing tired of Insanity. I only have eight hard workouts left.
My physical reaction brings something to mind that I discussed with my doctor last month. I noticed that sometimes when I was close to my max and I stopped for a water break, my hearing would sort of "dull" for a few moments, like there was pressure in my ears or something cutting off my hearing. Has anybody ever noticed this happen? It didn't last long, but it was worrisome. The doctor told me it was likely just a circulation thing and nothing to worry about (even given my history). I really noticed it today but when it was combined with the faintness, I knew it was time to stop and walk around until I felt normal. It makes sense -- when you're digesting, much of your blood and resources goes to your stomach and isn't available to you... not something that can be overlooked with Insanity.
I know this is just a blip and an unfortunate bit of timing, and I have to keep going. Fifty days is a long time, and there's no way I'm going to quit now.
I have never felt worse during an Insanity workout. I could still sense lunch (it was clearly too soon afterward), and I kept having waves where I felt I might pass out. Things would start to white out and I would see little sparklies in the air. I didn't do much of the second circuit and there were a couple of exercises I skipped entirely. I kept going, though, even though my max was just barely moving. I went to shut it off and then noticed only 12 minutes left on the clock. I decided to just go for it even though there was nothing to dig for. I managed to pull off most of the last circuit, and then I had to lie on the floor for awhile. I guess I'm proud of myself for finishing it, but at the same time, I'm starting to count down the days until I'm done. I'm getting effing tired of Insanity. I only have eight hard workouts left.
My physical reaction brings something to mind that I discussed with my doctor last month. I noticed that sometimes when I was close to my max and I stopped for a water break, my hearing would sort of "dull" for a few moments, like there was pressure in my ears or something cutting off my hearing. Has anybody ever noticed this happen? It didn't last long, but it was worrisome. The doctor told me it was likely just a circulation thing and nothing to worry about (even given my history). I really noticed it today but when it was combined with the faintness, I knew it was time to stop and walk around until I felt normal. It makes sense -- when you're digesting, much of your blood and resources goes to your stomach and isn't available to you... not something that can be overlooked with Insanity.
I know this is just a blip and an unfortunate bit of timing, and I have to keep going. Fifty days is a long time, and there's no way I'm going to quit now.
Workout log
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 49: REST DAY
I am pretty creaky this morning. My shoulder sockets feel a little funny, too. Not injured, exactly, but not happy. Perhaps it was the JUMPING ONTO MY HANDS that I did yesterday! That really is insane.
The kids are on spring break, so I'm glad I don't have to plan a workout today. The rest of the week is going to be a challenge, timewise. I see that I have a fit test scheduled tomorrow, but I think I'm going to skip this one and just do the final. It'll be my first modification of month 2.
The other thing I noticed yesterday is that I did the Harris-Benedict equation wrong from the very beginning. I mistook a minus for a plus, which is why my end result was so high! Doing the equation correctly, I get about 1,700 calories for loss, which has been my target all along. My appetite is still raging, though. I'm doing better and back to five meals but I think I'm taking in closer to 2,000. I also think I honestly looked better at Day 30. I made the mistake of weighing myself and I've gained 2.5 pounds, which puts me just barely under where I started. I know the comparison is apples-and-oranges, but it still sucks. I'm trying to remind myself that regardless, I can still run circles around 30-Day Sara.
The kids are on spring break, so I'm glad I don't have to plan a workout today. The rest of the week is going to be a challenge, timewise. I see that I have a fit test scheduled tomorrow, but I think I'm going to skip this one and just do the final. It'll be my first modification of month 2.
The other thing I noticed yesterday is that I did the Harris-Benedict equation wrong from the very beginning. I mistook a minus for a plus, which is why my end result was so high! Doing the equation correctly, I get about 1,700 calories for loss, which has been my target all along. My appetite is still raging, though. I'm doing better and back to five meals but I think I'm taking in closer to 2,000. I also think I honestly looked better at Day 30. I made the mistake of weighing myself and I've gained 2.5 pounds, which puts me just barely under where I started. I know the comparison is apples-and-oranges, but it still sucks. I'm trying to remind myself that regardless, I can still run circles around 30-Day Sara.
Fit test or results,
Workout log
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I slept great last night and felt good this morning, and I was so inspired by the end of Sean's journey that I decided to go ahead with this one instead of Core Cardio and Balance.
This workout was a lot of fun. It was as hard as the other Max workouts but in a different way... probably much like Max Cardio Conditioning, where you do one exercise for a certain amount of time and then rest before going to the next one. It's grouped into sports-specific exercises: football, basketball, gymnastics, and track and field. I preferred the last two (especially the bronco jumps -- where you jump from a squat almost like jumping into a handstand and bend the knees like you're kicking yourself in the butt -- and the ladders, which were timed sprints. The football exercises killed me, like jumping to a low pushup and staying in it while you "walk."
One big difference is there is NO stretch after the warmup. You pretty much go full-speed with short rests for 51 minutes and then there's a 4-minute stretch. It's definitely a harder workout than Core Cardio and Balance. I previewed this routine when I first got it and thought, "There is no way I'm ever going to be able to use this one." I've far exceeded my own expectations and that's something I didn't think much about when I started Insanity -- how much more functionally fit I would be. We tend to think of aesthetic muscle gain/weight loss when starting, but now I'm excited to finish Insanity and go out and test myself -- climb a mountain, climb a rope, and go running, which is something I've never been able to do well.
I'm now halfway through month 2, and it's going even faster than month 1. Man, do I ever need the rest day tomorrow. I'm glad I finished the week like this.
This workout was a lot of fun. It was as hard as the other Max workouts but in a different way... probably much like Max Cardio Conditioning, where you do one exercise for a certain amount of time and then rest before going to the next one. It's grouped into sports-specific exercises: football, basketball, gymnastics, and track and field. I preferred the last two (especially the bronco jumps -- where you jump from a squat almost like jumping into a handstand and bend the knees like you're kicking yourself in the butt -- and the ladders, which were timed sprints. The football exercises killed me, like jumping to a low pushup and staying in it while you "walk."
One big difference is there is NO stretch after the warmup. You pretty much go full-speed with short rests for 51 minutes and then there's a 4-minute stretch. It's definitely a harder workout than Core Cardio and Balance. I previewed this routine when I first got it and thought, "There is no way I'm ever going to be able to use this one." I've far exceeded my own expectations and that's something I didn't think much about when I started Insanity -- how much more functionally fit I would be. We tend to think of aesthetic muscle gain/weight loss when starting, but now I'm excited to finish Insanity and go out and test myself -- climb a mountain, climb a rope, and go running, which is something I've never been able to do well.
I'm now halfway through month 2, and it's going even faster than month 1. Man, do I ever need the rest day tomorrow. I'm glad I finished the week like this.
Workout log
Saturday, March 20, 2010
I slept in -- way in -- this morning and was a little dismayed to wake up and find I would have usually already been through the workout, showered, and out the door on a very unusually sunny day. However, I had almost 70 minutes of Insanity ahead of me. I also had my youngest son to myself today, so I was on the fence about doing Cardio Abs at all. In the end I did just the floor portion of it. Ah, my old friend Cardio Abs, which I haven't done since week 4. It does feel easier now. I think I'm warming up to Max Cardio Conditioning, too. I find it easier than Pure Cardio because there's a short break between each exercise while he explains it, and that makes a world of difference.
My knees are feeling a little sore today and I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle Max Interval Sports Training tomorrow. I may end up doing Core Cardio and Balance after all. Today I'm focusing on not only totally cutting the crap out of my diet but also getting back on the Insanity eating schedule. I have two weeks left!
My knees are feeling a little sore today and I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle Max Interval Sports Training tomorrow. I may end up doing Core Cardio and Balance after all. Today I'm focusing on not only totally cutting the crap out of my diet but also getting back on the Insanity eating schedule. I have two weeks left!
Workout log
Friday, March 19, 2010
Day 46: MAX RECOVERY (and Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal)
I really enjoyed this one today. I finally got a decent night's sleep last night (the first since Sunday). I did most of the exercises and enjoyed all the challenge and shakiness without cardio and impact (my knees felt sore this morning going up the stairs). My muscles are in much better shape than last week and not being sore makes a world of difference. It also felt so great to go without the knee wraps and sports bra and do this in comfortable yoga clothes and bare feet. Below, my favorite power breakfast recipe. The Fiber One adds some great chewy texture and toasty flavor, so don't skip it!
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup Fiber One original cereal
1/2 cup skim milk or light vanilla soymilk
2 TBSP canned pure pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 TBSP light or sugar-free waffle syrup
Stevia or other sweetener to taste
Mix together and microwave or simmer on stovetop for a couple of minutes until thick and creamy, and enjoy.
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup Fiber One original cereal
1/2 cup skim milk or light vanilla soymilk
2 TBSP canned pure pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 TBSP light or sugar-free waffle syrup
Stevia or other sweetener to taste
Mix together and microwave or simmer on stovetop for a couple of minutes until thick and creamy, and enjoy.
Workout log
No Recovery Drink = Bad Idea
I have cut my recovery drink consumption back down to 8 ounces over the past week as my energy level has adjusted to month 2. It's been fine -- I do 4 ounces during and 4 ounces after. But yesterday I had run out and forgot to make more before Max Interval Plyo, and midway through the workout I ran to the kitchen for a little orange juice. After the workout I had to shower quickly and leave, so I decided to just skip the recovery drink (part of it was an attempt to cut out more calories, but from the wrong place). It was a mistake. I was so tired all day yesterday; I just dragged.
I was reading in the nutrition guide last night that the post-workout calories are used most efficiently to repair muscle damage. So that not only prevents muscle loss and restores energy, but it also says that the quick repair of muscle tissue prevents the body from signaling you to overeat later. I missed that before, but it makes sense. I won't be skipping the recovery drink anymore.
I was reading in the nutrition guide last night that the post-workout calories are used most efficiently to repair muscle damage. So that not only prevents muscle loss and restores energy, but it also says that the quick repair of muscle tissue prevents the body from signaling you to overeat later. I missed that before, but it makes sense. I won't be skipping the recovery drink anymore.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The workout went really well (except those power jumps ... I don't think I'll ever "master" that sequence) today, but I'd feel a lot better about it if I hadn't ruined two days of decent eating last night when my husband showed up at 9:30 pm with a box of chocolates. FEH! I threw the (meager) rest of them out and I'm going to stay on track now if it kills me. Because I have to be accountable here, I don't want to report back to you tomorrow that I did the same thing today.
So glad tomorrow is recovery day, and the two longest and hardest max workouts only appear once each this week. In fact, only one more "hard" workout this week, as the other two are Max Recovery and Core Cardio and Balance. I'm not sure about the reasoning behind that last one, but I'll take it happily.
So glad tomorrow is recovery day, and the two longest and hardest max workouts only appear once each this week. In fact, only one more "hard" workout this week, as the other two are Max Recovery and Core Cardio and Balance. I'm not sure about the reasoning behind that last one, but I'll take it happily.
Workout log
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I was on fire today and can't believe how much of this workout I did and with very few extra rests. And it was fun. It's like I was different person today than at the start of last week. I didn't expect that, because for the third night in a row, I couldn't sleep and spent most of the night tossing and turning. This morning I felt like my eyelids were glued to my eyeballs, and I felt like a pig to the slaughter trying to take on MIC.
It was one of those days I didn't feel ready, but I just had to hit "play" without thinking about it. As long as you can hit "play," it's like having a personal trainer show up at your house every morning and force you to roll. Also, my parrot often goes nuts during Insanity (although I think she's scolding me because she doesn't like the noise), so I feel like I'm being yelled at from all directions.
The rate of improvement is really fast in month 2. I finally ate decently yesterday and also had my favorite power breakfast, pumpkin oatmeal (recipe coming soon), and I bet that helped. Still, sometimes when I'm really tired I run on crazy false energy, so I have to find a way to get some rest. Otherwise, they'll soon find me wandering and babbling incoherently in the desert.
It was one of those days I didn't feel ready, but I just had to hit "play" without thinking about it. As long as you can hit "play," it's like having a personal trainer show up at your house every morning and force you to roll. Also, my parrot often goes nuts during Insanity (although I think she's scolding me because she doesn't like the noise), so I feel like I'm being yelled at from all directions.
The rate of improvement is really fast in month 2. I finally ate decently yesterday and also had my favorite power breakfast, pumpkin oatmeal (recipe coming soon), and I bet that helped. Still, sometimes when I'm really tired I run on crazy false energy, so I have to find a way to get some rest. Otherwise, they'll soon find me wandering and babbling incoherently in the desert.
Workout log
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 43: MAX CARDIO CONDITIONING (and final belly check)

One thing I've noticed is that my calves feel weak during these month 2 warmups, and it takes a few minutes for them to stop protesting and start working. My knees feel good, though. (I notice Mario is wearing one of these open-patella knee wraps during this DVD, too.)
Here is my final belly check before the end of Insanity. To see where I've come from, click on the four-image collage at left. I think I have a two-pack! I didn't start Insanity for abs, but I think it's been the easiest place to see results throughout the program.
Fit test or results,
Workout log
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 42: REST DAY
I feel like being as slothful as possible, but I have a lot of housework, recycling, etc., to do today. I really can't believe I have made it this far. When I started Insanity, I remember doing it partially because the workouts were only 40 minutes long. I didn't realize at the time that the month 2 routines were around 60. I realized something else this week related to my prior yoga practice and Insanity. Yoga prepared me for Insanity in a big way, but Insanity has improved my lower back problems -- it has "tightened me up" to the point that I think it's provided some stability there, whereas my joints were a bit too loose before. If you'd have told me this two months ago, I would never have believed it.
Workout log,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Well, "hazing week" of month 2 is done. I enjoyed Max Interval Plyo again today, although it's extremely tough and I have to slow down on many of the exercises. I don't see myself doing those pogo jumps at all (my knees really don't like those, although oddly I can jump on the kickstand exercise with no problem), and the other thing is I can't do those ten quick power jumps and then stop like they do. I just have to plod out one after the other, much more slowly. But today I got the hang of the diamond jumps, and I'm getting down lower on the squat push-ups. Still working on those balance pushups, which feel very weird.
Today was full of distractions because my kids were home and instead of plopping them in front of a screen somewhere to ensure peace, I gave them the task of cleaning a room, together. There was a lot of fighting. I still managed to avoid stopping or pausing.
At the end of this week, my soreness has subsided. I have that usual end-of-the-week general overworkedness feeling, although it's subtle and I don't have any injury or joint pain. I should feel like the week has been a major success and athletically speaking it has, but I think my eating habits of the past 3-4 days have been the worst they've been in this entire Insanity experience. Today I worked extra hard, and I need to clean my diet up immediately and drink lots of lemon water. I must say, the big Thai dinner was worth it, but all the Easter candy I stupidly brought into the house was not. I probably didn't do too much damage in just four days, but it feels lousy just the same.
Well, looking ahead, the schedule looks doable. Resting never looked so good!
Today was full of distractions because my kids were home and instead of plopping them in front of a screen somewhere to ensure peace, I gave them the task of cleaning a room, together. There was a lot of fighting. I still managed to avoid stopping or pausing.
At the end of this week, my soreness has subsided. I have that usual end-of-the-week general overworkedness feeling, although it's subtle and I don't have any injury or joint pain. I should feel like the week has been a major success and athletically speaking it has, but I think my eating habits of the past 3-4 days have been the worst they've been in this entire Insanity experience. Today I worked extra hard, and I need to clean my diet up immediately and drink lots of lemon water. I must say, the big Thai dinner was worth it, but all the Easter candy I stupidly brought into the house was not. I probably didn't do too much damage in just four days, but it feels lousy just the same.
Well, looking ahead, the schedule looks doable. Resting never looked so good!
Workout log
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Forty days. That looks like a long time. I'm dreading today, so I'm again working on this post before the workout. My diet has been BAD the last few days, everyone. I can't seem to snap out of it. I must have eaten nearly an entire bag of jellybeans last night. It's not going to change today, either, because my mom is making a multi-course Thai dinner for my husband's birthday. Part of it is PMS... I'm one of those people who gets it really bad and whose appetite triples in those few days, so I'm trying to just find a way to indulge intelligently (but failing).
Strangely, I'm still wearing what were before my tightest pair of jeans (a size I have not even been able to put on in well over a year) and not only that, but those jeans are now so relaxed that yesterday I noticed I kept having to pull them up. They may have stretched. I haven't weighed/measured since I last posted my stats, but I doubt I've lost that much. But it's quite possible that the total lunacy of month 2 is helping erase the effects of my recent eating habits. But I don't want to fall back on that. But for today, I know if I can just put my shoes on and get out there, I can probably burn off most of those jellybeans. If only it were so easy! The memory of my horrible day 36 is still pretty fresh in my mind. Off I go...
I lived to tell the tale. I actually did far, far better today. I had a decent night of sleep and no longer have a stomachache, so I'm sure that helped. It felt like the early days of Plyo Cardio Circuit, and I had to rest/modify about that much, which means I've improved a lot. I think the body adjusts to the demands of month 2 quickly. The first time with this one, I crapped out on so many of the exercises, and this time I was even able to get through all the plank punches and floor switch kicks. Maybe that bag of jellybeans gave me lots of energy and improved my performance! Well, it was worth a shot.
I had to "stay after" for extra stretching, but I feel fine now, not trashed like day 36. I only drank 10 ounces of recovery drink today (4 during and 6 after), so we'll see if I can get away with that.
It's a bit uncomfortable to work out with those knee wraps, but they have allowed me to continue without pain. It's been pretty amazing, especially considering what sorry shape my knees were in at the end of month 1. Other than just tiny bits of tenderness once in awhile (usually while running up stairs) I have no joint pain. If you're having trouble with your knees, this is worth considering as it's only for a short time.
Looking ahead, aside from that last week, the first week of month 2 is the hardest. I see that the two middle weeks have Core Cardio and Balance as the sixth day, which will make things much easier. I am officially two-thirds of the way through Insanity!
Strangely, I'm still wearing what were before my tightest pair of jeans (a size I have not even been able to put on in well over a year) and not only that, but those jeans are now so relaxed that yesterday I noticed I kept having to pull them up. They may have stretched. I haven't weighed/measured since I last posted my stats, but I doubt I've lost that much. But it's quite possible that the total lunacy of month 2 is helping erase the effects of my recent eating habits. But I don't want to fall back on that. But for today, I know if I can just put my shoes on and get out there, I can probably burn off most of those jellybeans. If only it were so easy! The memory of my horrible day 36 is still pretty fresh in my mind. Off I go...
I lived to tell the tale. I actually did far, far better today. I had a decent night of sleep and no longer have a stomachache, so I'm sure that helped. It felt like the early days of Plyo Cardio Circuit, and I had to rest/modify about that much, which means I've improved a lot. I think the body adjusts to the demands of month 2 quickly. The first time with this one, I crapped out on so many of the exercises, and this time I was even able to get through all the plank punches and floor switch kicks. Maybe that bag of jellybeans gave me lots of energy and improved my performance! Well, it was worth a shot.
I had to "stay after" for extra stretching, but I feel fine now, not trashed like day 36. I only drank 10 ounces of recovery drink today (4 during and 6 after), so we'll see if I can get away with that.
It's a bit uncomfortable to work out with those knee wraps, but they have allowed me to continue without pain. It's been pretty amazing, especially considering what sorry shape my knees were in at the end of month 1. Other than just tiny bits of tenderness once in awhile (usually while running up stairs) I have no joint pain. If you're having trouble with your knees, this is worth considering as it's only for a short time.
Looking ahead, aside from that last week, the first week of month 2 is the hardest. I see that the two middle weeks have Core Cardio and Balance as the sixth day, which will make things much easier. I am officially two-thirds of the way through Insanity!
Workout log
Friday, March 12, 2010
What the hell is this? I was looking forward to "recovery" today. I'm sore and crabby and have absolutely no energy, and was so relieved I didn't have to do one of the "real" Max workouts today. Should have known better. Who'd have predicted I'd enjoy Max Interval Plyo but find Max Recovery to be completely off the chain?
The muscle-building in this one is really insane. I didn't put my all into it. I couldn't. I'm the pushup queen and I barely did a fraction of all of these. The number/variety of pushup/plank work you do is nuts, and so is the plie work, which goes on forever. I'm probably going to dread this workout. I'm sure if I were using this at a non-Insanity time of life, I would push hard and enjoy it, but my muscles have met their match this week. I'm also right on the cusp of "that time," and I feel pretty lousy. My knees did enjoy the break, though. My shoulder also feels fine. I think that was just a minor blip.
I guess this is sort of a yoga-ish routine, although I don't like his variations and especially all the repetitive back rounding when coming to standing. I think for many this could be injurious -- much better to lift with a flat back and lead with the chest as we do in yoga. As far as deep muscle work goes, this was fantastic (in theory). As far as yoga goes, while it's nice to see him introduce side angle and side plank and some other postures, it's not very comprehensive and a lot of the movements felt weird or awkward. I doubt many people will agree with me, however. I do really love the standing ab work. But I felt distracted and all I could think was:
The muscle-building in this one is really insane. I didn't put my all into it. I couldn't. I'm the pushup queen and I barely did a fraction of all of these. The number/variety of pushup/plank work you do is nuts, and so is the plie work, which goes on forever. I'm probably going to dread this workout. I'm sure if I were using this at a non-Insanity time of life, I would push hard and enjoy it, but my muscles have met their match this week. I'm also right on the cusp of "that time," and I feel pretty lousy. My knees did enjoy the break, though. My shoulder also feels fine. I think that was just a minor blip.
I guess this is sort of a yoga-ish routine, although I don't like his variations and especially all the repetitive back rounding when coming to standing. I think for many this could be injurious -- much better to lift with a flat back and lead with the chest as we do in yoga. As far as deep muscle work goes, this was fantastic (in theory). As far as yoga goes, while it's nice to see him introduce side angle and side plank and some other postures, it's not very comprehensive and a lot of the movements felt weird or awkward. I doubt many people will agree with me, however. I do really love the standing ab work. But I felt distracted and all I could think was:
Workout log
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I expected to wake up half-hobbled this morning from Max Interval Plyo, but it was about the same as the day before, just more soreness in the glutes. I'm home with both my kids and I have a lot to do today, so there was no "savoring" this one -- just needed to get it over with and with lots of distractions.
I was lukewarm on it -- not surprising, because Pure Cardio was my least favorite of month 1 and this is just the next step up. It was a lot shorter than the others, thankfully, at 47 minutes. It was basically Pure Cardio but different exercises and longer, and with very brief rests between each exercise, which almost made it easier. I won't go over the individual exercises because Sean has done a great job of that, but some of them are repeats from MIC and MIP, like the diamond jumps, plank punches and lots of variations of jumps with punches and suicides. The good old belt kicks from month 1 return, which is a nice semi-break.
It was hard though, and even the supposedly easier exercises felt really hard after a full minute. I huffed and puffed my way through, and this time I only drank 8 ounces total of my recovery formula -- 4 during the workout and 4 after. I was out at that point and didn't feel like making more, plus it felt more like a month 1 workout with an extra 6 or 7 minutes tacked on, so I figured I would be OK. I feel fine now, energy-wise.
Still using the knee wraps, and my knees feel fine. I did feel a slight tweak in my shoulder during the plank punches, though (those are hard ... much harder than they look), right in the area by the collarbone where I had the clot last fall (which isn't totally gone). It scared the crap out of me, and I hope it was something very minor. I'm sure the blood thinners I'm taking right now will protect me from further clotting, but it still scared me, as did the prospect of a shoulder injury.
I was lukewarm on it -- not surprising, because Pure Cardio was my least favorite of month 1 and this is just the next step up. It was a lot shorter than the others, thankfully, at 47 minutes. It was basically Pure Cardio but different exercises and longer, and with very brief rests between each exercise, which almost made it easier. I won't go over the individual exercises because Sean has done a great job of that, but some of them are repeats from MIC and MIP, like the diamond jumps, plank punches and lots of variations of jumps with punches and suicides. The good old belt kicks from month 1 return, which is a nice semi-break.
It was hard though, and even the supposedly easier exercises felt really hard after a full minute. I huffed and puffed my way through, and this time I only drank 8 ounces total of my recovery formula -- 4 during the workout and 4 after. I was out at that point and didn't feel like making more, plus it felt more like a month 1 workout with an extra 6 or 7 minutes tacked on, so I figured I would be OK. I feel fine now, energy-wise.
Still using the knee wraps, and my knees feel fine. I did feel a slight tweak in my shoulder during the plank punches, though (those are hard ... much harder than they look), right in the area by the collarbone where I had the clot last fall (which isn't totally gone). It scared the crap out of me, and I hope it was something very minor. I'm sure the blood thinners I'm taking right now will protect me from further clotting, but it still scared me, as did the prospect of a shoulder injury.
Workout log
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My BICEPS are sore. Wow. This is surprising because biceps are very hard to work without weights or a pull-up bar, so they are the muscle group that I and others have thought go pretty untouched in Insanity. Not so. I think it's probably the hook punches and the floor switch kicks that get them. My triceps are also sore and my butt is a little bit sore, but that's about it. I think the rest of me is pretty adapted now.
Now for the second and bigger shocker. I LOVED this one. I had built up a fear of it and it's true -- it's the meaner big brother of Cardio Power and Resistance. But this one was way easier for me. I had a lot more energy, too, and now that it's over (like, less than 10 minutes over), I still have energy. I do not feel at all tired. One change I made was to drink 4 ounces of recovery drink during the workout, sometime in the middle. I'm sure this had something to do with it and I'm going to continue doing this. I'm still keeping my total intake to 12 ounces, so I'm drinking 8 after the routine. The last couple of days I've also put sugar and fruit into my breakfast, and I never eat sugar in the morning. You need a recovery drink, everybody, and my homemade drink works great -- here is the recipe.
What makes this one different is that aside from a few very nasty plyos, there's a lot of resistance training in this one and a lot of upper body. I'm extremely strong in the upper body and it's probably the easiest thing for me -- endurance is my weakness, and that's probably why Max Interval Circuit nearly had me flatlining yesterday. The exercises are also a lot of fun. I love the side push-ups and the power push-ups, which when I previewed the DVD I couldn't even see how they were physically possible.
Anyway, this one went by so fast, especially right in the middle, that the very first time I looked at the clock I had only 14 minutes left. I wore wraps on both my knees today to be safe. I couldn't do nearly as many power jumps as they did, I did NOT hop on one leg during the pogo jumps, and those diamond jumps are downright scary.
One thing that makes this one even more doable is that you get a ton of rests. The third circuit isn't even really a circuit in the previous style. You do one exercise and then take a rest, and then another. And you do the whole thing only once. This is my favorite Insanity workout so far. No kidding!
Now for the second and bigger shocker. I LOVED this one. I had built up a fear of it and it's true -- it's the meaner big brother of Cardio Power and Resistance. But this one was way easier for me. I had a lot more energy, too, and now that it's over (like, less than 10 minutes over), I still have energy. I do not feel at all tired. One change I made was to drink 4 ounces of recovery drink during the workout, sometime in the middle. I'm sure this had something to do with it and I'm going to continue doing this. I'm still keeping my total intake to 12 ounces, so I'm drinking 8 after the routine. The last couple of days I've also put sugar and fruit into my breakfast, and I never eat sugar in the morning. You need a recovery drink, everybody, and my homemade drink works great -- here is the recipe.
What makes this one different is that aside from a few very nasty plyos, there's a lot of resistance training in this one and a lot of upper body. I'm extremely strong in the upper body and it's probably the easiest thing for me -- endurance is my weakness, and that's probably why Max Interval Circuit nearly had me flatlining yesterday. The exercises are also a lot of fun. I love the side push-ups and the power push-ups, which when I previewed the DVD I couldn't even see how they were physically possible.
Anyway, this one went by so fast, especially right in the middle, that the very first time I looked at the clock I had only 14 minutes left. I wore wraps on both my knees today to be safe. I couldn't do nearly as many power jumps as they did, I did NOT hop on one leg during the pogo jumps, and those diamond jumps are downright scary.
One thing that makes this one even more doable is that you get a ton of rests. The third circuit isn't even really a circuit in the previous style. You do one exercise and then take a rest, and then another. And you do the whole thing only once. This is my favorite Insanity workout so far. No kidding!
Workout log
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Evening 36: Still Kicking
I wasn't sure what to expect today. I was so wiped after Max Interval Circuit that even the thought of taking a shower was too daunting because it involved standing up. I took it very easy for awhile afterward, and I drank 12 oz. of my recovery formula, which seemed about right. I'm happy to say I felt fine all day, including having enough energy to clean my car to sell and to teach class tonight. A cup of coffee around 3 pm might have had something to do with it. I feel good and not particularly sore anywhere. It's 9:15 pm and I still don't feel like going to bed.
One thing I did notice today that's very parallel with the beginning of month 1 -- my appetite is dead, and for me that's really something. Getting enough calories today was a stretch. In month 1, this was the case for a couple of weeks and then my appetite kicked in with a ferocity.
I also previewed Max Intensity Plyo (I don't like surprises) and it looks extremely knee-unfriendly. The individual exercises look way harder than MIC, and I can't see five minutes shorter making a whole lot of difference. Not looking forward to tomorrow. I didn't care for Cardio Recovery during month 1, but I have a feeling Max Recovery is going to be my favorite day this month.
One thing I did notice today that's very parallel with the beginning of month 1 -- my appetite is dead, and for me that's really something. Getting enough calories today was a stretch. In month 1, this was the case for a couple of weeks and then my appetite kicked in with a ferocity.
I also previewed Max Intensity Plyo (I don't like surprises) and it looks extremely knee-unfriendly. The individual exercises look way harder than MIC, and I can't see five minutes shorter making a whole lot of difference. Not looking forward to tomorrow. I didn't care for Cardio Recovery during month 1, but I have a feeling Max Recovery is going to be my favorite day this month.
I went into this with few expectations, and it's a good thing. Remember, you are supposed to suck at this on the first day of month 2, otherwise there's nowhere to go. To back up, I've unfortunately had a bit of a digestive virus the last couple of days, and I went into this with a lot of pain my lower belly. I don't know how much it affected my level of lameness, but I'm sure it did. It hurts a little more now.
For the most part, I enjoyed the circuits, at least in theory. I found I did 2 for every 4 of theirs on things like the oblique pushups, the side suicide drills (careful! These have a lot of potential for injury, and so do the floor switch kicks [knee hyperextension]). I took extra rests, and had to modify the twisting high knees to low impact because I felt like I was going to injure my knees. And I STILL had to take a break during those.
In fact, I modified quite a bit. It's good that he points out repeatedly in this workout that you need to slow down and that you'll still work at your max if you do. It passed quicker than I expected, and I noticed on the counter when I passed the times for Pure Cardio, Cardio Power and Resistance, and Plyo Cardio Circuit. But I was just completely out of life. By the last circuit, my legs just would not cooperate. I added juice to my water bottle and it didn't help. I didn't feel like I was going to puke like I did on Day 3, but there were times I felt faint and had to stop for a breather before I started to "white out."
I pushed through but let me put it this way -- when I reached the stretch, I was so exhausted I literally did not have the strength to hold myself in the stretches. My legs and arms were shaking even trying to stretch my hamstrings. I'm shivering now, too. (?!) My knees feel OK -- I wore the wrap on my left knee -- although I know pain doesn't show up until later... not while the body is so warm and flowing with adrenaline.
Some observations:
1. The warmup is much harder, and the stretch is shorter. It's less than 5 minutes (to the 7+ in month 1).
2. In the first round of each circuit, you get 15 to 20 seconds of extra rest while he demonstrates the next move.
3. Only one of the circuits has the tacked-on "bonus" moves at the end of the third round.
4. This isn't nearly as high-impact as I expected, as it seemed like each circuit had one or two plyo moves and the rest were low impact or down on your hands. That sure didn't make it any easier, though.
I'm going to start out with 12 ounces of my recovery drink this morning and see how I feel. Right now, I can't even think about it -- the thought of eating or drinking makes me sick. I know that I'm likely to be exhausted today no matter what I drink, though, until my body adjusts. And I have to teach class tonight! Do you think they'll notice if I teach from a chair?
I went into this with few expectations, and it's a good thing. Remember, you are supposed to suck at this on the first day of month 2, otherwise there's nowhere to go. To back up, I've unfortunately had a bit of a digestive virus the last couple of days, and I went into this with a lot of pain my lower belly. I don't know how much it affected my level of lameness, but I'm sure it did. It hurts a little more now.
For the most part, I enjoyed the circuits, at least in theory. I found I did 2 for every 4 of theirs on things like the oblique pushups, the side suicide drills (careful! These have a lot of potential for injury, and so do the floor switch kicks [knee hyperextension]). I took extra rests, and had to modify the twisting high knees to low impact because I felt like I was going to injure my knees. And I STILL had to take a break during those.
In fact, I modified quite a bit. It's good that he points out repeatedly in this workout that you need to slow down and that you'll still work at your max if you do. It passed quicker than I expected, and I noticed on the counter when I passed the times for Pure Cardio, Cardio Power and Resistance, and Plyo Cardio Circuit. But I was just completely out of life. By the last circuit, my legs just would not cooperate. I added juice to my water bottle and it didn't help. I didn't feel like I was going to puke like I did on Day 3, but there were times I felt faint and had to stop for a breather before I started to "white out."
I pushed through but let me put it this way -- when I reached the stretch, I was so exhausted I literally did not have the strength to hold myself in the stretches. My legs and arms were shaking even trying to stretch my hamstrings. I'm shivering now, too. (?!) My knees feel OK -- I wore the wrap on my left knee -- although I know pain doesn't show up until later... not while the body is so warm and flowing with adrenaline.
Some observations:
1. The warmup is much harder, and the stretch is shorter. It's less than 5 minutes (to the 7+ in month 1).
2. In the first round of each circuit, you get 15 to 20 seconds of extra rest while he demonstrates the next move.
3. Only one of the circuits has the tacked-on "bonus" moves at the end of the third round.
4. This isn't nearly as high-impact as I expected, as it seemed like each circuit had one or two plyo moves and the rest were low impact or down on your hands. That sure didn't make it any easier, though.
I'm going to start out with 12 ounces of my recovery drink this morning and see how I feel. Right now, I can't even think about it -- the thought of eating or drinking makes me sick. I know that I'm likely to be exhausted today no matter what I drink, though, until my body adjusts. And I have to teach class tonight! Do you think they'll notice if I teach from a chair?
Workout log
Monday, March 08, 2010
Days 34 and 35: REST DAYS
I'm ready for month 2 to start tomorrow. In fact, I'm anxious to start it. The little demon of overachievement started trying to convince me to start today because I rested yesterday, but I'm reminding it how tenuous my knees are and that an extra rest day can only help me all around. I've been soaking in epsom salt baths and yesterday in a hot tub, doing my Strong Knees routine, cooking, and generally taking it easy. I was craving diner food so I'm having a homemade black bean cheeseburger for lunch with carrot sticks and a light cookies-and-cream milkshake. (175 calories!) Ah, rest days. The extra time is nice, too.
Workout log
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Woo hoo! I surprised myself today and I decided to go ahead with the third fit test. I wore the wrap on my left knee just to be safe, though it's feeling better. I didn't expect much, and if my numbers sucked, I wasn't even going to post them. However, even sore and tired with a bum knee, I kicked February Sara's ass. You'll notice my numbers aren't drastically higher on the plyos as I was definitely favoring the knee but trying to at least beat my Day 16 numbers. I'm amazed I was able to.
That is an average of 23.8% improvement over Day 1! I then went right into Core Cardio and Balance and used my rebounder (mini-trampoline) on a couple of the exercises. I did drink a recovery drink. Now my plan is to take TWO days off, do my Strong Knees routine and lots of stretching, and hope for the best on Tuesday. I was pretty aware today this fit test could be my last. I hope that isn't the case, so I'm going to take the extra rest. My month 1 review and tips are forthcoming.
Exercise | Day 1 | Day 16 | Day 33 | Change (total) |
Switch Kicks | 116 | 121 | 122 | 5.2% |
Power Jacks | 48 | 53 | 56 | 16.7% |
Power Knees | 91 | 105 | 110 | 20.9% |
Power Jumps | 27 | 33 | 34 | 25.9% |
Globe Jumps | 7 | 10 | 11 | 57.14% |
Suicide Jumps | 17 | 18 | 18 | 5.9% |
Pushup Jacks | 20 | 24 | 28 | 40% |
Plank oblique | 75 | 74 | 89!! | 18.7% |
That is an average of 23.8% improvement over Day 1! I then went right into Core Cardio and Balance and used my rebounder (mini-trampoline) on a couple of the exercises. I did drink a recovery drink. Now my plan is to take TWO days off, do my Strong Knees routine and lots of stretching, and hope for the best on Tuesday. I was pretty aware today this fit test could be my last. I hope that isn't the case, so I'm going to take the extra rest. My month 1 review and tips are forthcoming.
Fit test or results,
Workout log
Actual: power yoga. I'm writing this on day 33 because I was too bummed out yesterday to write, because it was the first day I did not do an Insanity routine when there was one scheduled. The good news is that today my knees are feeling much better. I also got a DVD by Gaiam called Strong Knees and have been doing the short knee strengthening/stretching routine, and researching knee trouble. The jury is still out about continuing with month two, but I still would like to. From what I read, I don't have a specific injury or even a definite injury at all, as my knees are still completely functional and the discomfort was very subtle. I also don't have any tightness or weakness in any of the surrounding muscles. Someone on the forum gave me good advice about possible irritation of the connective tissue, and I do think that's what it is. So, there's hope.
I am really tempted to do Core Cardio and Balance today as scheduled, although the other half of me thinks I should continue to rest the knees in preparation for Monday. I also had originally planned to do the fit test today, but I think I'm better off skipping the fit test this week. When doing the fit test, you're definitely trying to crank out as many as you possibly can to beat your numbers, and I think that would be risky for me right now. I'm also very sore just about everywhere, and I think it's from the yoga. It's kind of funny that my body would have that response to yoga after all of these years, but I guess I have accustomed it to a different type of routine for the past month. I should note that Insanity has made yoga much harder. I don't think one strengthens you more than the other, but I think they strengthen different areas in different ways.
I am really tempted to do Core Cardio and Balance today as scheduled, although the other half of me thinks I should continue to rest the knees in preparation for Monday. I also had originally planned to do the fit test today, but I think I'm better off skipping the fit test this week. When doing the fit test, you're definitely trying to crank out as many as you possibly can to beat your numbers, and I think that would be risky for me right now. I'm also very sore just about everywhere, and I think it's from the yoga. It's kind of funny that my body would have that response to yoga after all of these years, but I guess I have accustomed it to a different type of routine for the past month. I should note that Insanity has made yoga much harder. I don't think one strengthens you more than the other, but I think they strengthen different areas in different ways.
Workout log
Thursday, March 04, 2010
I love this routine. I did this complete workout again today and wore a knee support with an open patella on my left knee for the cardio. I had no problems this way. I took it off for the hip flexor burner and shoulder work, because all of the balancing on one leg and the bending/extending strengthen the knee joint. The hip flexor burners were difficult today but I made it through all the shoulder work without stopping for the first time.
But I'm still very wary. Without the brace, I find my knee feels slightly unstable (maybe I'm hypersensitive?), and occasionally if I'm walking and I hyperextend my knee, I feel a little shooting twinge. I don't know what to think of this, but I'm preparing myself for the worst. I fear I may have a slight ACL strain, and I wonder if I'm being irresponsible by considering continuing. It's workable now, but I wonder if it's been weakened and could end up tearing if I do.
But I'm still very wary. Without the brace, I find my knee feels slightly unstable (maybe I'm hypersensitive?), and occasionally if I'm walking and I hyperextend my knee, I feel a little shooting twinge. I don't know what to think of this, but I'm preparing myself for the worst. I fear I may have a slight ACL strain, and I wonder if I'm being irresponsible by considering continuing. It's workable now, but I wonder if it's been weakened and could end up tearing if I do.
Workout log
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Day 30: RESULTS! Part 2: Stats
Photos are below in part 1. Note that I am 5'2".
*Using Covert Bailey's test.
Statistic | Day 1 | Day 30 | Change |
Age | 33 | Still 33 | No miracles? |
Weight | 118 | 115 | -3 pounds |
Waist | 27.5-28" | 25.5" | -2.5" |
Hips | 36" | 35.5" | -0.5" |
Upper thigh | 20.5" | 19.5" | -1.0" |
Arm | 10" | 10.25" | +0.25" |
Body fat percentage* | 23.8% | 21.3% | -2.5% |
Resting heart rate | 60 | 54 | -6 bpm |
Pants size | Loose 6 | Loose 4 | -1 size |
*Using Covert Bailey's test.
Fit test or results,
Heart rate
Day 30: RESULTS! Part 1: Photos
Here they are. One thing to keep in mind is that in the day 1 photos (like all before/after photos), I had just crawled out of bed and was not trying in any way to get a decent photo, whereas in the 30-day shots I made an effort to get a good angle and wear something other than ugly sweats! But other than color adjustment for crappy lighting, these aren't retouched. I can definitely see improvement and I'm really happy with it! Interesting note... the jeans I'm wearing below and the gray Lululemon yoga pants in the shots at the bottom were too small when I bought them and I've been storing them in hopes I could wear them at some point. Yay!

Click to enlarge the photo below.

Click to enlarge the photo below.

Fit test or results,
Day 30: CORE CARDIO and BALANCE (modified)
Well, I finally had to make a change. My knees felt better this morning but still not 100%. I decided to do the hip flexor burner/shoulder work part of today's routine and then switch to about 50 minutes of power yoga. I was SORE from the first day of CC&B yesterday. Holy cow! My muscles just feel weak. Yoga felt way more difficult than usual, and I just wonder if general muscle weakness is contributing to instability at the knee joint. Maybe what I really need is an extra rest day. I do know that I can't do intense muscle work tomorrow (like power yoga). My hope is that my knees will be ready to return to CC&B.
My current plan is to take day 7 of this week off as scheduled, do a yoga-only day on day 6, and on day 5 take the fit test with Core Cardio and Balance. I think I need two days in a row of nonimpact before beginning the month 2 workouts, and this is assuming my knees repair this week as intended.
My month 1 review is forthcoming soon. Other recent observations:
1. I do not need a recovery drink during recovery week. I also don't need to eat as much.
2. Muscle soreness aside, my energy levels have returned to normal (and without the recovery drink) this week.
3. My sleep cycles seem to have adjusted to the intensity of Insanity in general and I am now sometimes waking up automatically after as little as 7 1/2 hours. For quite awhile I was sleeping like the dead and had to be blasted awake in the morning.
My current plan is to take day 7 of this week off as scheduled, do a yoga-only day on day 6, and on day 5 take the fit test with Core Cardio and Balance. I think I need two days in a row of nonimpact before beginning the month 2 workouts, and this is assuming my knees repair this week as intended.
My month 1 review is forthcoming soon. Other recent observations:
1. I do not need a recovery drink during recovery week. I also don't need to eat as much.
2. Muscle soreness aside, my energy levels have returned to normal (and without the recovery drink) this week.
3. My sleep cycles seem to have adjusted to the intensity of Insanity in general and I am now sometimes waking up automatically after as little as 7 1/2 hours. For quite awhile I was sleeping like the dead and had to be blasted awake in the morning.
Workout log
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
I'm at a loss about what to do. My left knee was pretty twingy during the cardio today. The rest day didn't fix it. It especially didn't like the exercise where you hop on one leg with the opposite knee in. But let me back up.
I liked this workout a lot. The cardio was challenging and I was still dripping in sweat when I was done and felt like I had a great workout, but I don't feel completely trashed. The hip flexor burners and plie shoulder work were also great -- but I finished all the hip flexor burners without modifying and almost made it through the shoulder work but when you switch directions on the arm circles at the end, I had to rest. I love the standing oblique work as well.
That said, I'm wondering if I'm better off cutting out impact entirely this week in hopes that my knee is ready for month 2, possibly going back to power yoga that works on the same areas and maybe even tacking on this last section from Core Cardio and Balance (hip flexors and shoulders). I hate to change the program, but I fear that if I don't, I might find myself having to take even more time off because I'm unable to do month 2. I'm going to sleep on it. Suggestions are also welcome!
I liked this workout a lot. The cardio was challenging and I was still dripping in sweat when I was done and felt like I had a great workout, but I don't feel completely trashed. The hip flexor burners and plie shoulder work were also great -- but I finished all the hip flexor burners without modifying and almost made it through the shoulder work but when you switch directions on the arm circles at the end, I had to rest. I love the standing oblique work as well.
That said, I'm wondering if I'm better off cutting out impact entirely this week in hopes that my knee is ready for month 2, possibly going back to power yoga that works on the same areas and maybe even tacking on this last section from Core Cardio and Balance (hip flexors and shoulders). I hate to change the program, but I fear that if I don't, I might find myself having to take even more time off because I'm unable to do month 2. I'm going to sleep on it. Suggestions are also welcome!
Workout log
Monday, March 01, 2010
Day 28: REST DAY
$%$&*#! My knees are suddenly not happy. I notice it when using the stairs, and when driving my car this morning, one of my knees was popping just a bit. I guess I jinxed myself by writing what I did yesterday, although I'm still amazed it took this long. Tiny bits of twinginess have surfaced throughout the last month, but they've always gone away after a day or so. This is a little bit worse, although I'm still hoping a rest day will improve it. I bought some glucosamine chondroitin for joints, but then found out it would interact with my anticoagulant medication, so that's a no-go. This may all require some modifying of the recovery week (i.e. in favor of yoga for runners and that sort of thing), but I'm still hoping it won't be necessary.
For today, bring on the sloth.
For today, bring on the sloth.
Workout log
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