Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 25: CARDIO RECOVERY (and first vinyasa practice)

And today marks my very last turn with Cardio Recovery. I won't miss it (unlike Cardio Power and Resistance, which I realized yesterday I'm also done with for good) and can't see working it into future rotations, but it's still a good and short routine and a mini-break I've been glad to see each week. It's also short enough to let me tack on yoga afterward. Up until now it's always been very therapeutic and mellow, but today for the first time in nearly a month, I did a shortened version of my regular style of advanced vinyasa (flow/power), as I was already warm and loosened up from Cardio Recovery.

On the plus side ... This also marked my first time upside-down in a month, and I was pleased to see that my headstands and forearm stands, as well as arm balances, were strong and steady; the core work has been very beneficial. My standing postures and balances were also strong, as Insanity has done wonders for my legs. I had forgotten how much a yoga practice can get your heart thumping, and it felt great.

On the downside, my hips have definitely tightened up despite my best efforts. My lower back also feels tighter and not as strong. Insanity doesn't strengthen the lower back as much as yoga does, so I'll need to work on this as my low back is a definite weak point anyway. I also felt a little overworked just going into it. I don't know why, but the fourth week of Insanity is hitting me hard -- last week felt easier. I perform better in the routines and I'm not tired (as in sleepy), but the muscles feel creaky and bits of soreness have returned. I think recovery week is needed, although I'm still on the fence about how to go about it. Despite my temptations I have done Insanity exactly as prescribed, and I hate to depart from that now. However, the idea of doing Core Cardio and Balance six days in a row next week doesn't sound that appealing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Wow, it's time to say goodbye to some of the DVD's and move onto different nice :)

    During recovery week, maybe you can do that and the yoga. It might be good for your mind as well as your body. Either way, you're working out and doing something :)
