Saturday, February 20, 2010


Day 19! One more day and I'll be on to week four. It's passed really quickly and dare I say I'm really enjoying it? I was actually looking forward to this one today, and despite feeling lethargic during the warmup, I ended up doing better than I have in the past with this one, completing more repetitions and resting much less. Typically I feel near death midway through the last circuit, and this time I was still going strong. I think the yoga I added yesterday probably helped my performance today, too. So that's my encouragement for the day for you -- just because you're feeling tired during the warmup doesn't mean you're not going to rise to the occasion once you're warm and stretched. Keep going! Here's another motivating idea. Go to YouTube before your workout and enter, say, "Insanity Day 19," and you'll get video diaries by people at your exact spot.

I should add that while having company last night, the bottle of red wine broke out. I am not a drinker and haven't had a sip since I began Insanity -- I'm also supposed to keep it to a very occasional glass because of the medication I'm taking. But last night I had a very generous glass-and-a-half of red wine with dinner. I was careful to drink several glasses of water before I went to bed and was concerned about how it would affect the workout today, but it was fine. I'm certainly not recommending it, but am relieved it wasn't a big deal.

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