I lay on the floor and sobbed after the final fit test this morning. I'm not sure why, whether it was happiness, sadness, relief, or a culmination of all of the health stuff that's happened to me since last fall. This felt like such an enormous physical and mental accomplishment after such a serious illness that I think the fruition of it all was just overwhelming. I was nervous about taking this today after the holiday and all of the eating yesterday. I thought I'd be scrambling to match my day 33 numbers (note that I skipped the fourth fit test), but I killed it -- not only that, but I beat the participants on most of the exercises! Take that, Tonya. You have been served.
Exercise | Day 1 | Day 16 | Day 33 | Day 63 | Change (Since Day 33) | TOTAL CHANGE |
Switch Kicks | 116 | 121 | 122 | 150 | 23% | 29.3% |
Power Jacks | 48 | 53 | 56 | 67 | 19.6% | 39.6% |
Power Knees | 91 | 105 | 110 | 116 | 5.5% | 27.5% |
Power Jumps | 27 | 33 | 34 | 40 | 17.7% | 48.1% |
Globe Jumps | 7 | 10 | 11 | 13 | 18.2% | 85.7% |
Suicide Jumps | 17 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 5.6% | 11.8% |
Pushup Jacks | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 14.3% | 60% |
Plank oblique | 75 | 74 | 89 | 102 | 14.6% | 36% |
Note that this is an average of 14.8% improvement over my prior fit test during the recovery week, and an improvement of 42.25% overall!
I took a short break before taking on the final Max Cardio Conditioning, but even so, my legs just did not want to lift during those switch kicks. But it flew by and I nailed it, knowing I could collapse in torpor for days on end afterward if I so chose.
Here are the final photos (click to enlarge). I didn't weigh or measure today because I have a food hangover from yesterday, but I will try to do so in another day or two. I can tell you that I've check
ed on and off over the last week and my measurements have not really changed since Day 30. Not only that, but I've apparently gained about 2 pounds back. I assumed I'd just sabotaged myself with eating over the last month, something many of you know I've struggled with. However, my photos surpri
sed me because I am clearly a lot more muscular than I was on Day 30. I wondered if it could be attributed to the lighting change or something, but I don't think so. See what you guys think, and what exactly happened here. I would think my measurements would have gone down with building muscle, even if the scale went up. It's kind of a mystery. Until I saw these photos, I figured my results were better at 30 days. I think I was wrong.

Over the next couple of days I'll post more of my final impressions and results. For now, I need a couple of days to recuperate and then yoga, here I come (back)!
To those of you who are in the middle of this -- KEEP GOING. The end is worth it. You have two choices about where you'll be at the end of 60 days.